Health Insurance - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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Health Insurance Resources & Low-Cost Services in San Bernardino/ Riverside

Affordable Care Act


  • Medi-Cal
    California’s Medicaid health care program. This program pays for a variety of medical services for children and adults with limited income and resources. Medi-Cal is supported by federal and state taxes. You can apply for Medi-Cal benefits regardless of sex, race, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or veteran status.
    • Eligibility: birth to 21 years of age, pregnancy, blind, disabled, or have an illness that your doctor expects will keep you from employment for more than one year, over 65 years of age, on CalWORKs (AFDC), low-income working families and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), California residence. More Medi-Cal Eligibility Information
    • (Call for nearest district office)
    • Documentation: proof income, I.D., and California residency, immigration status and social security number (SSN) or proof of application, checking and savings account statements, car registration, proof of pregnancy.
    • Benefits: full medical: medical office visits, hospitalizations, dental and vision care, prescription medications, mental health, substance abuse services, and needed medical tests. Restricted Medi-Cal: pregnancy-related and emergency services.
    • Other Services: CalWORKs, Food Stamps, Foster Care, general assistance, and Welfare/Cash Aid
    • Download Medi-Cal Application
    • San Bernardino County
      881 West Redlands Blvd.
      Redlands, CA 92373
      fax 909-335-3202
    • Riverside County
      Human Services System,
      4260 Tequesquite Ave., Riverside, CA 92501
      11060 Magnolia Ave., Riverside, CA 92505
      63 So. 4th St, Banning, CA 92220
  • Affordable Health Care Plans:
    • IEHP, Premiums: $4-15 per child, maximum $45.00/ family. Co-payments of $5 are paid for some services, annual cap of $250 health co-payments. 303 E. Vanderbilt, Suite 400, San Bernardino, CA
    • Molina
      1001 E. Cooley Dr. # 106, Colton, CA 92324
  •  Dental:
    • SmileChoice (Golden West Dental & Vision)
    • Access Dental
    • Delta Dental
    • Universal Care Dental
    • Loma Linda Dental School
  • Riverside County, Medically Indigent Services Program, (MISP) Website
    14375 Nason Street, Suite 102
    Moreno Valley, CA 92555
  • Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP)
    1-800-289-6574 (application)
    Provides health insurance for Californians who are unable to obtain coverage in the individual health insurance market.
  • Access for Infants and Mothers (AIMS)
    800-433-2611 or 626-299-7495
    • Eligibility: Uninsured pregnant women (under 31 weeks pregnant) and their newborns up to age 2 and not eligible for no-cost Medi-Cal, uninsured, and have incomes within AIM guidelines. Women with separate maternity deductibles or co-payments over $500 may also qualify.
    • Documentation: California resident for at least 6 months.
    • Benefits: Prenatal and infant medical care.
  • WIC Women, Infant and Children program, is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. This service is available for families of low to median income. Working families may qualify.
    Services include: Special checks to buy healthy foods such as milk, juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, dry beans and beans and peas, and peanut butter; information about nutrition, information and support about breastfeeding.
    To apply for WIC services?
    Call to make an appointment and find out which documents you need to bring with you. At your appointment, WIC staff will check to see if you and your family qualify. Local offices: San Bernardino County Health Department, 351 Mt. View, San Bernardino, CA 92445
    11555 ½ Potrero, Banning, CA 92220
    909-849-4761 (Native Americans)
    or call 1-800-852-5770/1-888-942-9675
  • Health Insurance Payment Plan (HIPP)
    Recipients must have:
    • High cost medical condition (e.g., pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and organ transplant);
      Medi-Cal may pay the private health insurance premiums for eligible high costs individuals who are losing employment and have a high cost medical condition.
    • Have a Medi-Cal share of cost no greater than $200;
    • Have either a current private health coverage policy or access to health coverage through an employer (includes COBRA and Cal-COBRA, but excludes policies issued through the California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB);
    • Not be enrolled in a Medi-Cal managed care plan;
    • and not be enrolled in a County Organized Health Plan (but see Other Premium Payment Programs). HIPP Forms Available
  • The Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency (CARE/HIPP) For persons unable to work because of disability due to HIV/AIDs and are losing their private health insurance.
  • Other Coverage Unit
    The Other Coverage Unit (OCU) is responsible for assuring the identification of all health insurance belonging to Medi-Cal beneficiaries as well as maintaining the automated Health Insurance System. The OCU identifies health insurance resources through the referral of documents from the county welfare offices, Social Security Administration, and Family Support district offices. This information is also obtained by conducting information exchanges with various health insurance companies. When the health insurance information is received, it is used to ensure that Medi-Cal is the payer of last resort. Any questions about immediate needs concerning health insurance changes should be directed to the: Special Assignment and Support Group at 1-800-952-5294.
  • Health Net
    (Medi-Cal, Health Families, AIM)
    1-800-430-4263 or 1-800-327-0502
  • Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program
    The California Department of Health Services implemented the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) on January 1, 2002. Under this new program, low-income California residents who have breast and/or cervical cancer can enroll at a doctor’s office to get no-cost cancer treatment coverage as soon as possible after they have been diagnosed. For more information about the BCCTP and how to enroll, please call (Toll-Free) 1-800-824-0088.
    Organizations and providers serving low-income persons may order BCCTP tri-fold brochures and bookmarks for distribution to people who may be in need of breast and/or cancer treatment services. Organizations and providers may call 1-800-824-0088 for information on how to order the brochures and bookmarks.
  • Prescription Medications
  • Private Health Insurance, Specifically for Students
    • Student Insurance, Also, this insurance covers students who obtain an injury on campus, minus a $50.00 deductible.
      11661 San Vicente Blvd., suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90049
      310-826-1601, 800-367-5830,
  • Other Community Based Health Services
    • Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
    • Child Health & Disability Prevention (CHDP)
    • Inland Empire Community Clinic:
    • Redlands Community Family Clinic:
    • Planned Parenthood:
    • San Bernardino County Health Department(SBCHD)
      • SBCHD Reproductive Health
        909-798-8522 or 383-3080
      • SBCHD Maternal Health
      • SBCHD STD/HIV Clinic
      • SBCHD Immunizations
  • Loma Linda University, Low-cost SAC Clinics
    • SAC-Norton
      1455 East Third Street (location)
      1454 East Second Street (mailing address)
      San Bernardino, California 92408
    • Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri., 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon
      SAC-Frazee 488 South K Street San Bernardino, California 92410
    • SAC-Arrowhead
      1293 North 'D' Street San Bernardino, California 92405
      Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fri., 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon