Stephanie Houston

—Outstanding Alumnus of 2023
Dr. Stephanie Houston began her educational journey at Crafton Hills College as a re-entry non-traditional student at the age of 27. Houston has been a professional K12 educator for 29 years. Prior to her current role as the assistant superintendent of Innovation and Engagement for the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Houston served as the superintendent of the Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa Regional Occupational Program. Throughout her career, Houston has earned the respect of her peers, administrative team, staff, and community as a visionary leader skilled in building relationships.
Serving as the San Bernardino Community College Board Chair and Trustee, Houston continues to support Crafton though her leadership, providing value and meaning for students and the surrounding communities. Houston holds bachelor’s from CSUSB, master’s from University of Redlands, and a Doctor of Education in Transformational Leadership from Brandman University. Houston has been married for 39 years, is mom to four sons and gramma to 11 grandchildren.